BlueCielo TeamWork 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Working with documents > Understanding the copy commands > Copying a document

Copying a document

Copying an existing vault document creates a new document with the same file content as the original. The metadata of the original document is also copied to the new document, including the revision number. However, references to and from the original document are not copied to the new document. To also copy the references, use the Copy with References command and see Duplicating references.

For a comparison of the various copy commands, see Understanding the copy commands.

To copy an existing document once:

  1. Select the source document that you want to copy.
  2. On the Edit menu, select Copy Document. If the document type of the original document has been configured to show property pages for the Copy Document command, the pages are shown with the original document’s property values as defaults.
  3. If necessary, type or change property values for the new document and click OK. A new document is created in the current folder with the same file content as the original document.

To copy an existing document multiple times:

  1. Select the source document that you want to copy.
  2. On the Edit menu, select Copy or press Ctrl + C.
  3. Select the folder where you want to create the copies of the document or select a document in that folder.
  4. On the Edit menu, select Paste Multiple. The Paste Multiple dialog box appears.
  5. Type the number of copies that you want to make and click OK. If the document type of the original document has been configured to show property pages for the Copy Document command, the pages are shown with the original document’s property values as defaults.
  6. If necessary, type or change property values for the first copy. If you want to apply the same property values to the remaining copies, select Apply for all other documents of this type.
  7. Click OK. The copies are created in the current folder with the same file content as the original document.

If the document type of the copies is not configured to calculate the file name, the file names of the new documents are set to Copy of <Originalfile name>. Otherwise, the new documents receive newly calculated file names. No references are made to the original documents such as is created by the Derive Document and Replace Document commands.

If the document type is configured to use a document type workflow, the new documents are automatically placed under change to you.

Note    The Paste Multiple command actually creates just one copy of the source document regardless of the number of copies that you specify. Each subsequent copy is made from the previous copy. This might produce unexpected results depending on any configuration or customization of the source document type when copies are made. If this produces unacceptable results, use the Copy Document command multiple times or consult a system administrator.

Related concepts

About importing documents

Understanding the copy commands

About scanning documents

Related tasks

Creating a new document from a template

Deriving a document

Replacing a document

Importing hybrid documents

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